Looking to invest in entrepreneurs and companies that are transformative in their sector
Creating collaborations between companies, organizations, universities and colleges to encourage entrepreneurship thus building a rich ecosystem alongside our protfolio companies and projects
Leveraging our connections to help our portfolio companies access strategic partners and clients
Venture Capital firms, home offices, angel investors & more
Building a community for developers interested in learning blockchain programming. Creating employment opportunities for them in the industry | Accompany and encourage them to initiate projects of their own
Ability to perform a high quality in-depth research and analysis of blockchain startups and technologies
Experienced entrepreneur, businessman and investor. Founded and managed successful businesses in real estate, food and technology with a variety of different companies.
A veteran businessman with years of experience in the field of communication and mobile. Investor in blockchain technology.
Former officer in the Israel Defense Forces under the ICT Corps (Major in the reserves). Over 9 years of service in elite technology units. An experienced tech manager with a rich background and understanding in analysis and business. Holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
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